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Temporary lease car

Do you have as entrepreneur or private Need a car for a short period? When you think of temporary car rental, you probably think of a car rental company. If you want to rent a car for yourself or for employees for a longer period, short-term lease is a very attractive alternative. It is cheaper than long-term rental and more flexible than long-lease. With short-lease, you really choose the car yourself, with rental, you choose from a category. You will also be behind the wheel of your temporary lease car in no time. Dealer leasing has a large number of luxury models of brands ready to go in stock.



Fixed amount per month

For many entrepreneurs, mobility and flexibility are crucial. It doesn't matter if you are a starter, self-employed or SME are. With a temporary lease car, Dealerleasing quickly meets your needs. Our short-term lease contracts of at least 1 to a maximum of 24 months offer customization. You pay a fixed, low amount per month. In exchange for this monthly premium, you can drive your passenger car or van without a care in the world. All costs you incur are included in the lease price, except for fuel costs and fines. Do you no longer need your lease car? No problem. After the agreed term, you can easily cancel your lease contract.


What is included in short-term lease?

De gekozen leaseauto

The chosen lease car

Choose from more than 950 cars directly in stock.

Road tax

We pay the motor vehicle tax.


All-risk insurance and passenger accident insurance are included.
Volledige reparatie en onderhoud

Complete repair and maintenance

All repairs and maintenance are included in the lease contract. Need alternative transportation? We will also arrange that for you.
24/7 pechhulp

24/7 roadside assistance

24/7 roadside assistance at home and abroad.
Afschrijving en rente

Depreciation and interest

Depreciation and interest included.

Come to Dealerleasing for a temporary lease car

With a short-lease car, you choose the flexibility of leasing and you benefit from the carefree nature of renting. Do you need a temporary lease car? Then come to Dealerleasing in high gear. Or simply view all available brands and models on the website. Of course, you are also very welcome in one of our branches. Our lease advisors are ready to discuss your wishes and help you make the right choice for a short-lease car.


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